What We Believe

We belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Commonly know as the Mormon Church.  We don't just go to church on Sunday's, it's a part of our daily lives and it has been since birth.  In high school we attended Seminary, a scripture study class, every morning from 6:00- 6:45.  We had youth group once a week.  Church on Sunday lasts three hours.  Currently, we attend a university privately owned by the church where all classes, meetings, and performances start with a prayer and we have a weekly devotional where we are able to be taught things of the gospel.  It's an amazing school as we are able to gain a secular education right along with a spiritual one.  Nathaniel served a two year mission to Sao Paulo, Brazil where he taught the Brazilian people about the gospel of Jesus Christ and how much our Father in Heaven loves us.  As I said, this isn't a once a week thing, it is our life.

I know that just as God had prophets that ministered to the ancient people, he has a prophet on the earth today to lead and guide us.  His name is Thomas S. Monson.  I know he communicates directly with the Lord to give us those things we need to be able to return to live with Him again.  I know that there are also twelve men called to apostles of the Lord who serve alongside President Monson in carrying out the work throughout all the world.

I know that just as in ancient days, there are temples here on the earth.  There are over 140 houses of the Lord currently in use and more are being built every year.  I am grateful for the knowledge that these temples bring us.  I know that my marriage in the temple is an eternal marriage and Nathaniel and I will be able to be together forever and not just until we leave this earth through death.  How reassuring it is to know that even if something happens to us here, we will see each other and be together in the eternities.  He is my best friend and I wouldn't want it any other way.

I know that just as Jesus came to the earth in ancient days and ministered to his people, he will come again to us.  I don't know when.  I don't know if I'll be alive or even if my children will, but I know it will happen.

I know that Jesus taught his gospel to the people in the Old World and after his resurrection appeared to the people of the America's and taught them.  I know this to be true through the stories of the Book of Mormon, which I know to be a true book.  I know the prophets who wrote that book, wrote it for our day, so that we may more fully understand the mysteries of God.

I know that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon and that he was the first prophet of this restoration.  While I do not worship Joseph Smith, I admire and respect him and am grateful for the trials he and his family had to suffer through so that the gospel of Jesus Christ could once again be on the earth in it's fullness.

I know that Jesus lives.  I know he is the Son of God who came to this earth and performed miracles.  I know he suffered for all of our sins, sorrows and afflictions on a cross so that we could one day return to live with our Father in Heaven.  I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that they both love us very much.  I know that he would have suffered all those pains even if it were just to save me, one small person.  He loves me that much.  And he loves you that much.

I know that I don't know everything.  I know there's more I don't know than I do know and that's probably how it's going to be for the rest of my life.  While that can be frustrating, it's okay.  That is how this life is supposed to be.  I know that if I move forward with faith, listening to the words of ancient and modern prophets, my family and I will be okay.  Adversity will come.  This I know for sure.  When it does come, I want to be ready.  That is why I will continue to learn as much as I can about this world and the world to come.  About things in heaven and things on earth.

And one day everything will make sense and I will know that all I did was not for naught.  These things I know.

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