Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A New Job

I finally found a job!

It was pretty stressful the last two weeks of looking because I felt so much pressure to find something so we could start bringing money in again.  I don't envy Nate and his responsibility to provide for our family the rest of our lives.  I'm stressed enough knowing I have to do it for the next few years and it's only us two!

I decided not to take the job I talked about in the last post.  It really was great but it just didn't feel right for me and I had to go with my gut on it.  Instead, I have just gotten a job at Broulims, a local grocery store.  Funny enough, I really wanted to get a job there when we first moved back but I thought I should try to find something full time or within my field of study.  Since that didn't happen, Broulims it was!  I had to go through two interviews but it all worked out in the end.  I have orientation on Thursday so I guess we will see how it goes then.  Oh, and I forgot to say that I'll be a checker...can't wait to talk to people and see what they are eating!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Job Hunt

So I know I'm not the greatest when it comes to looking for jobs.  I really haven't had to seriously look for a job in my entire life!  I've been REALLY lucky when it comes to finding ones that fit me in a short amount of time.

My first job EVER was with the Admissions Office which I worked for for three years.  And it's crazy to think that I actually applied for a different job that was through an organization with the office (but not Admissions) and the week I was supposed to start that organization got moved to a different department so I was hired in the office with a job that didn't exist anymore.  Thankfully, they offered me a position with Admissions and I couldn't have been more happy.  It was such a blessing in so many ways!

My next jobs came from a class I was in (the Wellness Center), and the apartment I lived at (as a Manager's assistant) so those were fairly easy.  Then my internship came because I originally interviewed for a different internship and didn't get it but they recommended me to another department on campus.  A blessing yet again!  I still had to interview for it against some other students, but I felt pretty confident I would get it.

Now, here I am, a college graduate in a small town trying to find something to do with my time and it's HARD.  It's hard because there aren't a ton of jobs for someone with a degree in Health Science and nothing else.  It's not like there are no jobs for a BS in HS but you have to go to a much larger city to find the good ones.  So I've been looking at many different types of jobs here in town.

After looking online at tons of websites and postings I thought I found the perfect one.  It was in the health field, working with people, plus doing some administrative work.  The only qualification listed was that you have a high school diploma and while looking at the job duties I realized I had hands on experience for every single one.  It really was perfect for me!

Well after repeated phone calls to the place, visiting them once, and more phone calls, I'm resigning myself to the fact that they just don't want me.  And I can't fathom why!!  I seriously fit the job PERFECTLY and my resume shows that.  I don't know what else they are looking for.  Especially to at least give me an interview!  I keep wondering what qualifications other people had that got interviews when I didn't.  I honestly don't know what more I could have besides years of experience.  I just figure when they want someone with years of experience they put that on the description...not just that you need a freakin HS diploma.  Sheesh, I at least have a degree in Health Science with an almost perfect gpa and experience doing EXACTLY what the job does.  EXACTLY.  I'm baffled.  And a little hurt.  I don't take rejection lightly.

I am slowly convincing myself that this must be a good thing because it was probably the worst job in the world and no fun and the people there probably suck.  Thankfully, I have a lead on another job in town that is probably not my ideal but at this point I really need to start making us some money.  So if that works out I guess there will be another post shortly....

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Drive-In

Friday night was date night at the drive-in!  It was so much fun to go see a movie together and enjoy the crisp night air.  We went mainly to see Spiderman 2.  The second show was Captain America but we saw that a few weeks ago with Nate's family so we ended up sleeping through most of it.

Earlier in the week we were going to have pizza for dinner and then I suggested waiting until Friday so we could just eat pizza in the car at the movies.  We went with Pizza Hut and got the big box dinner so we'd have leftovers but it ended up being one of the worst pizza's we've ever had!  It just wasn't fresh at all.  And the side of wings was gross...and the breadsticks were just mediocre.  How disappointing!  We had been looking forward to pizza for so long!

It was great to spend time together and I love being able to lay down (and cuddle!) while watching a movie instead of sitting upright in theater seats.

^ Sitting in the back of the car...sippin' Simply Limeade out of a straw taken from KFC because we forgot cups....
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