Thursday, June 26, 2014

For the Record: Equality in the Mormon Church

I wasn't going to do this.  I really had no intention of writing any of my feelings down because I've probably read a million (maybe less...) blogs on this topic in the last few weeks and most have expressed how I feel.  But I decided I have this blog for a reason and it is to write down what I think about things and this is something I feel I should go "on the record" about.  Not because I have anything new to say.  Not because this is some well thought out argument that I've been working on for months or years (like some "blogs").  But because I want people to know how I feel and what I have been thinking.

It's women's equality in the Mormon church.  It's women who want the priesthood so that they can be equal to the men.

The thing is, from a secular point of view men and women are not equal in the Mormon church.  You can't really argue that they are.  There are many more prominent positions for men and even the highest woman leader still reports to the President of the Church (a man).  So no, we aren't "equal" and women can't do the same things that men can.

I am not a parent so this next bit is not from personal experience, but observation (I'm the oldest of six kids).  My parents parent each of my siblings differently and I've heard that's how it goes is any family with multiple kids.  Some kids need tough love, some need daily hugs and words of encouragement, some do chores willingly, some need a little push, some are stubborn and some are always obedient.  Parenting would be easy if every time a kid did X, the parent would do Y and peace would abound!  Since God is our parent, I expect it's the same with him.  Just like my parents gave all of us food, a bed, clothes and the essentials for earthly survival, so our Heavenly Father gave us all scriptures, prayer, and the temple for our spiritual survival.  And just like my parents gave me different chores than my siblings so that our house would function, our Heavenly Father gives us different chores/ responsibilities so that his church will function.  His sons were given the opportunity to exercise his power and authority to perform certain ordinances and hold certain leadership positions and his daughters were given the opportunity to utilize his power in other ways.  It is the same power, given in different ways to different children, NOT because he was trying to make them equal, but because he wanted his church to run a certain way.

And his church is an eternal church.  Not a church governed by earthly laws and understanding.  Not a democracy.  It's not like any other organization on the earth today.  So how can we put our secular version of equality on something that is in no way secular?

I remember sitting in 8th grade math one day, wondering what more there could possibly be to math.  We added, subtracted, multiplied, divided, found square roots and used the Pythagorean theorem (and used negative numbers sometimes!).  It seemed like that was all that numbers could possibly do!  And then I got to 9th grade geometry and a whole new facet of math was opened to me.  And then trigonometry, precalculus and calculus.

In 8th grade I could not have fathomed proofs, limits, imaginary numbers, etc.  But all those years of math were teaching me the basics for what was to come.  If someone tried to teach me calculus in 8th grade I wouldn't have any basis to start to comprehend it!  I needed precalculus, and before that I needed trigonometry.

Sometimes I like to think God works the same way.  Right now we are in 8th grade math.  Everything we see and do is based off our earth life and we can't even fathom what will happen in 12th grade calculus.  God doesn't even bother telling us what will happen because even if he did, we wouldn't understand it!!

But one day we will.  When the time is right.  First we need to ace algebra.  And then we need to ace geometry.  And finally, one day, God will tell us how it all works.

Whenever I don't understand why something in the church is the way it is, I have to have faith that one day I will.  I will always try to figure things out, and ask questions, but if I can't get the answer, I have to know it is okay!

Once we're done with our mortal state, I wouldn't be surprised if things changed and evolved!  I'm not going to venture to guess what those things could be on here, but each person can study and pray to find their own answers.  If some women want to believe that they will receive the priesthood in the future because of answers they found in the scriptures and their personal communication with God, through prayer, then I am not going to say they are wrong.  However I do not believe it is okay for them to preach to others their own, personal beliefs as if it is doctrine.  It's okay to talk with your husband/ wife/ close friends about your questions and ideas and wonder what things could be like in the future.  It's even okay to ask your bishop/ stake president what they think about the topic because maybe they will have insights you didn't have.  And if you feel like that's not enough and you want to ask the presidency of the church, by all means, do so!  But when those men (who have the very authority which you are seeking) say that what you are seeking is contrary to church doctrine then stop it.  Stop preaching your ideas like it is something that can be changed if enough people demand it.

One day, once we've all aced "calculus" I think we will look back at our time and earth and realize why things were the way they were.  And we will understand what equality through God's eyes truly means.  

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Drive-In: Part 3

Last Thursday we went to the drive-in again.  On a Thursday?  Yup!!  Nate's Friday classes were cancelled and I didn't have to work (but had to work early on Saturday) so it made more sense for us to do it then.  Instead of the 150+ cars that would be there on a Friday night there were 30, maybe.  It was fantastic!  This time we saw How To Train Your Dragon 2 and Edge of Tomorrow.  Both were really great movies and I would watch them again!

We just keep talking about how much we love going to the drive-in together.  I decided to compile a list of why the drive-in is the greatest way to watch a movie.

1. It's only $6.50 per ticket and you get to see TWO movies.  So it's $3.25 per movie which is like the dollar movies!
2. It's dollar movie price for the regular theater movies.  This particular drive-in changes the movies almost weekly to whatever the newest movie is.  And they always show the good new movies...not the lame new movies.
3. The food is cheaper.  A large popcorn is $4 instead of $8.  A large drink is $3.25 instead of $7.  Plus you can bring food in so we usually get a pizza or Mexican to eat in the car.
4. The "seats" are more comfortable.  Instead of sitting in an upright seat that a million other people have sat in, I can sit in the back of my car and cuddle with my husband!  It's the best!!

Regarding #4, we keep upgrading the back of our car.  The first time we went we brought pillows and blankets.  The second time we brought the back couch cushions to put behind our backs and our comforter to sit on/ cover up with.  This time we got really smart and brought the bottom couch cushions to sit on as well as the back ones AND pillows and blankets.  I've never been more comfortable!  We both stayed awake for both movies too.

I can't wait to see two more new movies in a few weeks when we decide to go for date night!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Few Favorite Foods

I've been loving to eat recently (like, the last 22 years) so I thought I'd share some of my favorite foods as of late!

PopSecret Homestyle Popcorn- This stuff is heavenly.  For a while I favored popcorn popped on the stovetop because it was light and didn't make me feel nasty after eating it.  (I do however LOVE movie theater popcorn but only when at the movies.)  This stuff might be better than homemade!!!  It is so great and I can eat an entire bag without blinking an eye.
Broulims Homemade Salsa-  It's to die for.  We eat a whole container in a day...usually less.

Tostitos Cantina Thin & Crispy Chips- These taste just like chips from our favorite Mexican restaurants.  And they go great with the above salsa.

Guittard Chocolate Chips- Once you try these, you will never go back to your old chips.  They are perfect in every way possible for a chocolate chip.

Lipton Noodle Soup- I forget which of my roommates told me to eat this when I was sick one day but it's a cheap and great sick soup.  I like both the straight noodles and the one with chicken (even though it's not exactly fresh...).

Sabra hummus with pretzels- In the past I would buy hummus and then never finish it.  I couldn't find the perfect accompaniment.  Then a friend had some with pretzels and I was hooked.  It's delicious!

Well, that's what I've been eating recently!!!  Nothing too special or fancy...just good :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A Place to Sleep

We finally got a bed!!!!!

The first month and a half of our marriage was spent with me sleeping on the couch and Nate sleeping on the floor next to me (sometimes I would give up the couch and go sleep with him...but the floor is just not very nice).  Once we had a bit of money we bought a mattress and put it on the floor in our bedroom.  It was definitely a step up but a mattress on the floor doesn't exude the coziness I think a bedroom should have.  Instead of crawling up into bed we literally fell down onto it.  

It's been almost 10 months of marriage and this past weekend we finally buckled down and bought one.  Nate has been looking online for one basically since we said "yes" so this was no impulse buy.  Gosh, beds are expensive!  We went with an IKEA bed that we found online a few months ago.  The closest IKEA in in Utah so we had to wait to get it until we went down there.  

Our comforter is actually a down comforter we bought on ebay a few weeks ago with a duvet cover (also from ebay) that just came yesterday.  The down comforter retails for $450 and we got it brand new for $50!  Score!  We almost bought one with the Macy's giftcards from our wedding and ended up getting pots and pans instead...definitely the right choice as we spent way less money later!

Have I said how happy I am that we have a bed finally?!?!?!  It just makes our room 10X better and it doesn't take up as much space as I thought it would either.  Also, can I brag about my husband for a bit?  Because he put this whole thing together by himself while I was at work for 7 hours yesterday and totally surprised me.  I was under the impression we were going to do it together later in the week (which now doesn't make sense since we are going to Ohio on Thursday...).  Anyways, he's the best.  

Life is good at home, sweet little home.

It also came with covers for pillows but they go on King size pillows and ours are just regular ones so those are on our "to buy" list for the future.

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