Sunday, November 23, 2014

High School Musical

In some ways I feel like Nate and I have tons of high school memories and then in some ways I feel like we barely have any at all.  Last week we went to the local high school's musical and it brought back all sorts of fun memories!

Fall 2007 The Wizard of Oz - Junior year of high school I was one of the assistant directors for our high school musical and Nate played the part of the Tin Man.  I honestly think this show was where we started to become real friends and not just people that went to church together.  We could laugh and joke around and-- dare I say it-- flirt a little.  Gosh I just thought he was the cutest thing ever.  Sadly, once the show was over and we didn't have an excuse to hang out everyday, we stopped hanging out every day haha  I can't find a picture of us together so this one will have to do.  Ain't he adorable?!

Fall 2008 The Christmas Carol - Senior year I somehow convinced Nate to try out for the fall play (even though it wasn't a musical).  I still have no idea what I said that got him to go along with it but I'm sure glad he did!  I was cast as the Ghost of Christmas Past and I'm not even sure what exactly his part was called...a village person I guess haha  Well I also was cast as a girl named Caroline who was a poor married woman that Scrooge screws over.  At the time of the first read of the script, the part of my husband hadn't been cast.  Guess who got the part??  You got it!!  Our scene together was literally one page long and it seriously took every fiber of our beings to not crack up each and every time we did it.  Nate and I trying to play a concerned and loving husband and wife??  It was the most hilarious thing I'd ever heard of!  And I secretly LOVED it.  Especially at the end when he would put his arm around me as we walked off stage.  And we would put our heads really close together and just laugh our way off the stage as quietly as we could.

Nate is on the far left wearing the hat.  I am the ghost in the back.

I can still hear Nate say this first line of our scene.  It has been a running joke of ours ever since then.  A friend was being funny and edited this picture shortly after the show and I still love it.

Fall 2012 Beauty and the Beast- After Nate got back from his mission we started hanging out quite a bit.  I asked him to go see Beauty and the Beast with me at the local high school.  It was kind of last minute and we got there maybe 30 minutes before the show started.  It was definitely a popular show because there was a HUGE line for tickets.  We were seriously doubting if we would get into the show and almost left but stuck it out and were literally some of the last five people let in.  Sadly, once we got in, they dimmed the lights (it was already quite a bit past the time they were supposed to start) and there were only single seats available!  There wasn't anywhere for us to sit together.  At the time, I think I just wanted to see the show so I picked two end seats for us that were a few rows apart.  Nate was obviously frustrated we weren't sitting together.  Later, I would learn he was certifiably ticked since he didn't care one bit about the show and was just going to be with me.  Well, 10 minutes into the show the kid next to me threw up and so that family left and Nate was able to come sit by me.  Hooray for sick children!

Fall 2014 Seven Brides for Seven Brothers- I had the urge again this semester to go see a show and so we decided to see the high school musical again.  We showed up an hour early to avoid long lines and easily got into the theater (we were literally some of the first five people this time).  It was nice this time around to be able to hold hands and rub shoulders without feeling awkward ;)  My back was killing me throughout the show though so we left at intermission.  Oh well!

The empty theater and my new boots.  Booya!

The moral of the story is...we have a lot of fun going to shows and I love it!  I'm glad I'm able to share my love of live performances with my very best friend and that we have so many memories together!
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