Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Wedding Pictures!

It seems like FOREVER since we got married and yet it's only been a little over two months!  I really cannot wrap my head around that.  We've just finally got our pictures back and I am so EXCITED to share them with everyone.  These pictures were done by the amazing Tessa Berg from Starling Studio located in Columbus.  If anyone is in need of a photographer (for anything, not just weddings) she is your woman!  I have two CDs full of pictures and it took me ages just to narrow it down to my favorites for this post.  I have no idea how I'm supposed to pick ones to hang in my home! (Also, as a bragging moment, I made my own veil so you should take note of how good it looks for a $5 veil.  The cheapest one at the dress store was $45)

I hope you all enjoy these as much as I do :)

These are all of the non-family members that came to support us.  Mostly friends from the ward.

Both of our families.  His side is purely his immediate family and their children.  My side is over half of my aunts, uncles and cousins...

The Smith Clan

The Tucker/ Koch Clan

These are my dad's parents.  My grandpa was the one who sealed us.

My parents and siblings.

We rock.

One of my favorites!

My wonderful bridesmaids.  Brittany and Alexis came from Utah, Whitney came from Washington and Heather (my first best friend!) came from Wisconsin.  And my sister came from the same place I did...

Me, my mom, my mom's mom.

Classic Pose

My lovely mother.

Okay this is one of my absolute favorites and I can't decide whether I like it better black & white or in color!

He's all mine ladies.  Back off.

Another favorite.  Thank you pinterest!

I love our rings so much.  They are classy...and they match!

The rest of these pictures were taken at the Garden of Roses in Columbus.


One of my requests was to have a picture by a big tree.  This definitely meets that requirement.

Another of my FAVORITES.  Couldn't decide if it's better b&w or color...

We were trying to get a picture with us skipping and in the air...it sort of worked...sorta.

Did you actually make it through all these pictures?  That's dedication right there.  Dedication to what?  I'm not sure.  You must just be procrastinating something...

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