Sunday, October 27, 2013

Chocolate Chip Cheesecake and Cookies

Today we made Chocolate Chip Cheesecake AND Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies (made from scratch...not the spice-cake-not-as-good recipe).  Sugar overload?  I think yes.  Thankfully, the cheesecake has to cool overnight so we can't eat that until tomorrow.  By then the 4 1/2 dozen cookies I made should be gone :)  But really...we eat those cookies like no one's business.  But really...they will not be gone by morning, don't worry.

We did share a FEW of our cookies with our neighbors.  While we're the newlywed couple, they have three little girls ages 4, 2 and 1.  Today was the primary program at church and I figured they would love a surprise cookie treat for a job well done.

Can we talk about the primary program?  Okay.  So there's like three kids in primary that can actually talk haha  The program consisted of the presidency speaking and the parents of those three kids bearing their testimonies.  Our 4 year old neighbor did say some of the Family Proclamation and the other two kids mumbled some cute things that may or may not have been discernible.  It was fantastic.

Back to food (since that's basically my favorite thing to blog about...).  Here are the pictures so you can all be jealous.  Just don't be jealous of our expanding waistlines...

It's a little dark but we mixed chocolate into it along with putting the chocolate chips on top so it looks perfect to me!  Can't wait to try it tomorrow...maybe I'll have cheesecake for breakfast...

Saturday, October 26, 2013

We Love Mexican Food

I tried thinking of a creative title for this post but really, we just love Mexican food.  We eat it at least once a week.  This week, we had it THREE times.  Somehow, a Mexican restaurant opened up in Rexburg at the beginning of the year and we didn't hear about it until this last week!  But we went yesterday for dinner...and then we went again today.  Oops.  I think we may become regulars :)

Today I got a pork taco and cheese enchilada.  Just as a side note, Nate always gets cheese enchiladas from Mexican places and I NEVER like them.  But I loved these ones!  Hence, why I got my own today...

He got two cheese enchiladas and a hard taco.  We also splurged and got chips and salsa.  Sadly, it's not cool enough of a restaurant to serve free chips and salsa...

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Home, Sweet Home

I've had quite a few people ask about our apartment so here it is!  It's absolutely perfect for us.  Granted, it's not decorated beautifully and we don't have a ton of stuff...but it's just perfect.  From the moment we moved in we knew it was where we were supposed to be.  We actually had never seen this style of apartment before we moved in.  We'd seen ones at this complex that were bigger (2 bedroom) and smaller (1 bedroom w/ less square footage).  Well, as I've said...this one is perfect. 

I have to admit that I am not much of a decorator.  All the decorations in the pictures were done by my fantastic husband.  I can't make decisions about stuff like that so he just hung stuff up while I was at work and I'd come home and love it!

Here's the outside of our complex.  I believe there are 15 buildings total. 

Step inside our humble abode and you'll walk straight into the living room.  This is just one wall...the other has the couch on it.  All the decorations we have are from our reception basically.  This wall doohicky went around our cake table and the frame we got as a present (although it isn't quite filled with pictures yet!).

To the left of the living room is our dining area.  We don't have real chairs so when we do sit at the table to eat we use the black cubbies on the sides of the TV.  The table we have is short so it works well :)  I love our kitchen!  I wish it had a window but can definitely live without it.  It is stocked FULL with all of the fun appliances we got for our wedding and I'm pretty sure we've used just about everything at least once.  Again, as a reminder, Nathaniel did the decorating.  There are also some nice decorations on the side you can't see from this angle.

Lastly is our bedroom.  After three weeks of sleeping on the couch/ floor we finally bought a bed (king size at that)!  I was getting kind of sick of the living room honestly.  I felt like that's the only room I was ever in because we only really went in the bedroom to get to our closet.  Hopefully within the next few months we'll be able to find a bed frame we like so our room looks more like a room....but it's 10X better than the floor!

So, as you can see, it's not much.  But it's a perfect first little apartment and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.  It's gone below freezing outside at night the last few weeks but I think because it's so small it stays nice and warm and we haven't even had to turn our heat on yet!  Oh, we do have a bathroom too but it just looks like a regular bathroom...although all these rooms look pretty regular too sooooooo yeahhhhhh.  We do have a washer and dryer which is FANTASTIC.  On the down side, the washer has broken three times (yesterday being the most recent) and yesterday the dryer stopped working too.  This morning the dryer had risen to life so we could dry all the sopping wet clothes we had but I think they're going to have to get us a new washer.  I'm just glad we got all our underwear washed and dried before they broke so we're good for a while!

Welp.  That's the tour.  It's small, but it's home.

On a larger note, I thought all my non-western-living friends would like to see our chapel.  The church building is our stake center as well and all the wards that go to that stake center actually meet in that building.  There are two of every room (including the chapel) and all the bishop's offices for the entire stake are in there.  At each meeting time there are actually TWO congregations meeting.  It's crazy!

That's our life.  Hope you enjoyed stalking it for a moment in time.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Wedding Pictures!

It seems like FOREVER since we got married and yet it's only been a little over two months!  I really cannot wrap my head around that.  We've just finally got our pictures back and I am so EXCITED to share them with everyone.  These pictures were done by the amazing Tessa Berg from Starling Studio located in Columbus.  If anyone is in need of a photographer (for anything, not just weddings) she is your woman!  I have two CDs full of pictures and it took me ages just to narrow it down to my favorites for this post.  I have no idea how I'm supposed to pick ones to hang in my home! (Also, as a bragging moment, I made my own veil so you should take note of how good it looks for a $5 veil.  The cheapest one at the dress store was $45)

I hope you all enjoy these as much as I do :)

These are all of the non-family members that came to support us.  Mostly friends from the ward.

Both of our families.  His side is purely his immediate family and their children.  My side is over half of my aunts, uncles and cousins...

The Smith Clan

The Tucker/ Koch Clan

These are my dad's parents.  My grandpa was the one who sealed us.

My parents and siblings.

We rock.

One of my favorites!

My wonderful bridesmaids.  Brittany and Alexis came from Utah, Whitney came from Washington and Heather (my first best friend!) came from Wisconsin.  And my sister came from the same place I did...

Me, my mom, my mom's mom.

Classic Pose

My lovely mother.

Okay this is one of my absolute favorites and I can't decide whether I like it better black & white or in color!

He's all mine ladies.  Back off.

Another favorite.  Thank you pinterest!

I love our rings so much.  They are classy...and they match!

The rest of these pictures were taken at the Garden of Roses in Columbus.


One of my requests was to have a picture by a big tree.  This definitely meets that requirement.

Another of my FAVORITES.  Couldn't decide if it's better b&w or color...

We were trying to get a picture with us skipping and in the sort of worked...sorta.

Did you actually make it through all these pictures?  That's dedication right there.  Dedication to what?  I'm not sure.  You must just be procrastinating something...

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