Sunday, August 16, 2015

Interstellar and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

So I've been wanting to write something about this for months, but just keep putting it off for some unknown reason.  I actually ended up finally writing something in August but never really publishing it.  And it's been almost a year since the film was released (November 7th) so I figured it was a good time to revisit this.

Let me start by saying that Nate and I absolutely, 100%, no questions asked, LOVED Interstellar.  It's one of our favorite movies.  I mean, we were both crying like 20 minutes into the movie!  We got home after our first viewing and just laid in bed, unsure of what to say or how to even express how we felt.  It was just so grand.  It's indescribable.  And the soundtrack gets us every time.  We went to the theaters twice to see it, and we rarely go to the actual, really expensive, theater even once.

I believe it was after Nate watched it for a fourth time that he came to me with a really great thought.  Interstellar is an amazing representation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  This will be especially applicable to members of the LDS church but I believe most Christians can relate to most of it as well.  The correlations are not necessarily in chronological order, it's not perfect, and I'm no writer, but this is as good as I can do.

Spoilers ahead...

In the beginning of the film, we are presented with a world that is no longer suitable for humans.  They have done all they can and will only be able to survive a few more generations.  They have reached the end of their progression as they currently know it.

Before our time here on earth we lived with God in Heaven and learned from him.  But there came a point where, in order to progress any further, we needed to come to Earth to gain a body and to learn on our own, away from God's immediate presence.

Before Cooper comes in contact with NASA and leaves, he teaches his children everything they know.  He gives them instruction, he provides them with books and opportunities to learn.  He prepares them for the time when he is gone from them.  He gives Murph the watch to remind her that they are connected, even though they will be, literally, galaxies apart.

Our Heavenly Father is all knowing.  He is our loving parent who knows what is best for us and he wants the best for us.  He has provided scriptures for us to learn and has instilled in us the desire to learn!  He provides us with small reminders that he is always in our lives, and even when we cannot see him we can see symbols in our world to remind us of his existence.  

When Cooper is away from his children they are unable to communicate with each other.  The children are able to relay basic messages to Cooper but there is no way for him to respond to them.  Some of his most treasured moments in space are listening to the messages the children have sent.  He is so happy when Murph finally sends a message after so many years and he is devastated when Tom decides he no longer believes anyone is listening to him.

When we are here on Earth, the only way to communicate to our Heavenly Father is through prayer.  Even though he cannot directly talk back to us, he rejoices when we talk to Him.  He wants to hear about our struggles, our triumphs, our doubts and fears.  Even if it has been 30 years since we have prayed, he wants us to start!  We are never too unworthy or too far gone to start praying.  We also cause great sorrow when we turn to doubters.  It is so easy to doubt when God communicates to us in unusual ways.

We come to learn, partway through the movie, about the character of Dr. Mann.  When he is first presented to us we see him as a hero and pioneer.  He is one of us, just another astronaut who wants to help find the planet mankind will one day settle.  When we finally meet Dr. Mann we learn how selfish he is.  He tricked Cooper's team into coming to his planet by sending false signals of hope.  From a distance they looked like positive signals, exactly the same as the positive signals sent by other astronauts.  He outright lied.  The only indication Cooper's team may have that they should not go to Dr. Mann's planet is that Dr. Brand just feels that Edmond's planet is better.  She cannot describe it, except to say that maybe it's love drawing her to Edmond.  It is a feeling that transcended space and time and one that the others on the crew did not completely understand.

At the great Council in Heaven, two plans for progression were presented.  The first by our brother, Jesus Christ, and the second by our other brother, Lucifer.  Lucifer seems to have good intentions by telling us that in his plan, we will all return to live with God one day.  However, he desired all the glory and his selfishness was revealed.  He continues to think only of himself.  He deceives us today by sending us false signals.  He disguises the bad to look and sound good.  On first glance, we may not notice any difference between what he tells us is good and what God tells us is good.  In fact, one of the only ways to distinguish between these is through the Holy Ghost.  It whispers to us and helps us determine right from wrong.  Sometimes, there is no logical explanation for what we feel and there is no way to describe it to another person.  It, like the love Brand talks about, transcends time and space.

Throughout the movie, it is Cooper and Murph's relationship that is the strongest, even though they are apart.  Murph is the one person who believes in her dad until the end.  Sure, she had a rocky start, and doubt is placed when she learns there may never have been an answer to Dr. Brand's equation, but she doesn't let her fears and doubt rule her faith.  She dedicates her entire life to learning about the mission of her dad.  She works hard to keep this faith in her dad.  On the other hand, her brother Tom, quickly loses faith.  Hard times in his life, such as his son dying, take him further from his father.  He loses all hope of Cooper returning.

We can have a passive relationship to God, or an active one.  It takes work for us to retain our faith in him.  We need to be doing all we can to learn about him, about his mission, and what our part in his whole plan is.  We cannot let hard times get us down.  If we stop praying (communicating) we will quickly lose faith.  This is a lifelong journey and it is easy to give up, especially when times are tough.

In the end, it is Murph that is reunited with Cooper.  After all of her dedication, hard work, and unwavering faith, she is the one he is most excited to see.  She loves her father even more than when he left her.  The reunion is a sweet one that includes many other generations of Cooper's.  Tom is nowhere to be seen.  He gave up on his dad years ago and doubtfully ever made it off Earth.

After this life, it will be the children who are faithful who will return to live with our Heavenly Father.  We will be excited to see him!  The hardships of Earth-life will all be worth it when we are reunited.

Time is one of the hardest aspects of this movie to understand.  Three hours to some characters are decades to others.  Cooper has barely aged a day and Murph grows into an old woman.  In the fifth dimension, Cooper is able to be in every moment of Murph's life all at once.  He hasn't time traveled exactly, he just is.  He is there in her room at the exact moment she needs it and he finds ways to communicate with her that she can understand.  The fifth dimension is not something Murph, who is on Earth, can comprehend.  She just knows that Cooper is somehow communicating with her.  She rediscovers the watch which is how she is able to translate messages from the other side.  We also learn that "them" is really us.  Time and space are so much more than we ever imagined they could be.

Time is not what we think it is.  In Heaven, time runs differently, if at all.  Heavenly Father is able to be in every part of our lives, and the lives of those around us.  It isn't through any means we can begin to comprehend, it just is.  He gives us tools to communicate and translate messages from the other side such as prayer, the Holy Spirit, and books of scripture.  There are also others just like us, on the other side, who are trying to help us through life.  "Them" is us.  We are "them".  We are continually progressing to become like God even though we cannot understand all of his workings.

Regardless of whether or not you enjoyed the movie, I hope you're able to take some time this Sunday to reflect on your own life and relationship with God.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

I Can Actually Cook....

This last week I had a goal to cook every night but one (because every night was kind of a stretch!).  This was a pretty hefty goal because I am not a great cook... and usually by the time I get home from work around 6:30 I just want to relax.  If it's up to me to cook dinner I give Nate the options of grilled cheese, soup from a package, or tuna and crackers.  Pretty gourmet.

Two weeks ago Nate cooked most nights (since he's actually a great cook) but it made me feel like I was slacking on my wifely duties so that's why I decided to take matters into my own hands this week!  Last Saturday I got on pinterest (which I basically never do) and looked up some tasty looking, easy, quick meals.  Guys.  I did it!!!  I cooked a real meal every night except for Wednesday when we went and got Mexican with some of my friends.  Here's what I did!

Sunday- Herb and Citrus Oven Roasted Chicken (
After making this I learned Nate hates chicken thighs...oops.  I knew he didn't like drumsticks so that's why I chose thighs and he then informed me he hates thighs more than drumsticks haha

Monday- Hobo dinners (
I didn't take a picture of this one or use an actual recipe but the above recipe is an example.

Tuesday- Spinach Tomato Tortellini Soup (
Soup-er easy soup!  Highly recommend for those on the run.  It was ready to eat 20 minutes after I started making it.

Thursday- Zucchini Mushroom Pasta (
This was my very first one pan pasta.  Not my absolute favorite, but pretty good for how easy it was.

Friday- Taquitos Two Ways- Honey Lime and Green Chili ( and
I baked the ones on the left as the recipe suggests but Nate wanted to try frying some so the darker ones on the right are fried.  And people, fried is always better.

Everything was delicious and I did it all for like $45!  That's pretty impressive because we spend way too much money on food each week.  I also did sides with most of these but those aren't pictured.  I'm going to attempt to do this again next week but we shall see.  I'm a little cooked out.....

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Whitney Weekend

I was so lucky to have Whitney come and visit me from Washington last weekend!  It has been soooo long since I've seen her and I needed a little Whitney time!  She now has two babies and the last time I saw her she only had one...who was just a few months old at the time.

We met first at the Idaho Falls zoo.  It's a small one, but it's perfect for an 18 month old.  I'd have to say the flamingos were my favorite this time and it's hard to explain why.  But we took our picture in front of them to remember their awesomeness.

After the zoo we went to Bambino's in Rigby for a Great Bambino!  I forgot to take any pictures there... We ended up at our little apartment and first thing's first...diaper change time!  Aren't they cute??

Me and little Whitney.

And little Wade...

For dinner we grilled out hamburgers with the Duffy's and so the girls swang while the boys grilled.  They sure tasted yummy!

Val just loved Nate...awwwweeeeee.  Isn't he the greatest??

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Logan Wedding

On Saturday, Nate and I drove to Utah again for a wedding.  Nate's friend, Ben, got married in the Logan temple.  We were already running late/ right on time when I realized 30 minutes into the drive that I forgot my temple recommend.  Thankfully, Nate drives a little fast and we got there in just enough time for them to look up my recommend and I was able to attend.  I'd never been inside the Logan temple so I really wanted to go!  After the sealing, we stuck around for a bit for pictures and then went to their absolutely gorgeous luncheon.  I guess luncheon's are a thing out here.  We just went to Subway for our after wedding meal haha  Everyone else went to Chick-fil-A I think.  Nothing fancy for us Tucker's!  Instead of staying in Logan all day and waiting for the reception, we decided to go home early and attend the drive-in that night.  We watched Cinderella and Furious 7.  Well, Nate watched both, I feel asleep for the second.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Our Engagement Park

After the Sunday afternoon session of conference I asked Nate if we could go visit our "engagement park" in Downtown Salt Lake.  It's been two years since we got engaged here so I felt like it was a good time to go visit.  It was exactly as I remembered it.  So cute and perfect...and swingless.  I sure am grateful that he asked me to marry him two years ago!  I can't believe all that has happened between then and now :)

General Conference Weekend

We headed down to Utah again for General Conference.  This time, Nate's family was able to fly out from Ohio as well.  Natasha and Ivan even got to come since they were on spring break.  We drove down on Friday afternoon and met up with Nate's family at the Outlets in Lehi....since we always go to the outlets and spend too much money whenever we are in Utah.  After shopping, we went to Rodizio's for dinner.  It's a Brazilian steakhouse that Nate picked to go to for his birthday dinner.  Honestly, it wasn't as good as Texas de Brazil that we went to at the last conference.  However, the Brazilian lemonades they had were delicious!!!

Natasha, Ivan & Nate (they all have birthdays within a week or so of each other!)

We stayed at the City Creek Marriott, which is where we almost always stay in Salt Lake.  On Saturday we attended the afternoon session of conference.  Nate's parents ran into Nate's mission president at breakfast that morning so we knew he was around the hotel somewhere.  We decided to wait in the hotel lobby after the Saturday afternoon session to see if he would walk in...and he did!  It was really special for Nate to talk to him again as he's from Portugal and came to Salt Lake City just for Conference.  This time we also got a picture with him!

I also ran into my cousin who is serving a mission in Salt Lake City!

They boys had tickets to the Priesthood Session so while they were there, the girls and kids went to the hotel pool for a bit.  The kids even convinced me to get in for a bit.  After they got out we went to Bucca de Bepo's for dinner.  It's a family style Italian restaurant.  We also went with Nate's uncle Tim's family.

Funny story time... After dinner Nate and I were craving something sweet so we went and bought a slice of cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory (Oreo, of course).  When we got back to our hotel room we decided just to order some room-service milk to go with it.  I am the one who ordered and the attendant on the phone was a little hard to understand.  I had to repeat myself at least twice that I wanted two glasses of 2% milk and also a bottle of water.  She asked if I wanted a large and I said yes.  In the rooms, they have these mini water bottles so I assumed a large was just a regular size bottle...Nate got quite a surprise when he answered the door!!  He was like "what the heck did you order?!?!" hahahahaha  The large water really was a LARGE water.  I don't even want to know what we had to pay for that...

On Sunday we went to the morning session, including Music and the Spoken Word.  I ran into one of my best friends, Sarah Pratt and it was so good to catch up with her.  The Sunday afternoon session we watched from Brandon & Sheridan's house in Spanish Fork and then ate dinner at their house.  Since it was Easter, Nate and I hid about 1000 eggs around their yard (okay, maybe like 200...) for the kiddoes to find.  It was hard to leave everyone since we aren't down there too often.  We didn't leave until late that night so I made Nate drive home while I slept in the back of the car.  Even with that, I was still super tired at work the next morning...

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Nate's Birthday!

Well, I thought I was going to be able to surprise Nate for his birthday again and have a surprise party with all of our friends.  I even texted people to let them know when to be at our house and had set up a plan to get Nate out of the house for a bit.  My plans were ruined when Nate started inviting people over for cake...  So it turned out we just had a party.

First we went to Fuji Japanese Hibachi and Sushi in Idaho Falls.  It just happened to be opening night!  We went with Nate's friend, Ben, and his fiance, friend, and sister.

To kill some time, we went to the mall so Nate could have a massage in the $1 massage chairs.  I think this was his favorite birthday present!

After dinner we went back to our apartment for cake with some of our friends from the ward.  I made a strawberry shortcake cake that turned out half decent but I definitely have room for improvement :)

He got a shirt and a water filter.  I'm an awesome wife :)
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